Monday, 9 September 2013


Prism's coming out in a month and a half!
You can buy Roar!
Katy did something with Pepsi & MTV with the VMAs, allowing us to choose her next single! Dark Horse won, but I preferred Walking On Air...
Other songs I've heard that will be on there are:
1. "Roar"
2. "Legendary Lover
3. "Birthday"
4. "Walking On Air"
5. "Unconditionally"
6. "Dark Horse" featuring Juicy J
7. "This Is How We Do"
8. "International Smile"
9. "Ghost"
10. "Love Me"
11. "Double Rainbow"
12. "By The Grace Of God"

International Smile & Legendary Lover sound cool!

This will be the album cover:
Hmm... it's OK, it's cool, but it's not my favorite. She could have been a lot more creative.

Katy announced on the Good Morning America show last Friday that she's having a contest. If you make a video of you and friends doing something to Roar, and your video wins, she'll come do a concert RIGHT AT YOUR SCHOOL! I really really want to enter, but I have no idea what to do, and I don;t think anyone else in my school would want to do it :/

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! One of my favourite. ^^
    My favourite songs from Prism is
    International Smile, Legendary Lover
    and Double Rainbow. c:
